Emerge Gallery is pleased to present Petit: An Exhibition of Smaller Sized Art. Over fifty local artists from the Hudson Valley and New York Metropolitan area are participating in this exhibition. Petit will be exhibited from November 2 - December 1, 2019, with a reception on Saturday, November 2, from 5-8 PM. A closing reception is scheduled for Sunday, December 1, 2019, from 3-5 PM. Artwork will also be available to view and purchase on-line through the Emerge Gallery NY shop on www.artsy.net
The artwork included in Petit is a collection of various styles and mediums — acrylic, collage, digital, fiber art, illustration, mixed media, oil, photography, printmaking, sculpture— all sized 12” x 12” and under. This exhibition and Emerge Gallery offer an affordable option for giving the gift of art to someone special this holiday season — a gift of art is a gift of the heart. The art included in Petit guarantees that visitors will find a work that speaks to them and someone they love.
Color is celebrated throughout the exhibit in numerous works including Susanna Ronner’s monotypes and Charlotte Tusch’s geometric abstract Colorfield series while E S deSanna’s 3” x 4” drypoint etchings offer a monochromatic glimpse into the rustic countryside of Tuscany. Marjorie Magid evokes the graceful fury of the tango on her canvas while Marie Cole’s pastel provides a calmness in her landscape Morning Mist. Fall is here in Dennis Barna’s watercolor Birches while works from Andrea Geller's Pool series and Paul Mindell’s oil painting The Last Cow let the viewer hold onto summer all year long.
Additional participating artists include Tara Bach, Jessica Baker, Marty Bannan, Agnes Barber, Loel Barr, Kristy Bishop, Lesley Bodzy, Tom Bolger, Carey Conaway, Maxine Davidowitz, Shelley Davis, Nancy deFlon, Kasmira Demyan, Shaun Ellison, Glen Feulner, Joan Ffolliott, Shannon Gardner, Denise Giardullo, Andrea Giarraputo, Mary Ann Glass, Elizabeth K. Gordon, Russell Gordon, Betty Greenwald, Tom Hackett, Pat Hart, Jeff Helmuth, Kathleen Heron, Anne-Marie Hoffstatter, Roxie Johnson , Hilary Lander, Allison Lee, Barbara Tepper Levy, Linda Lynton, Alex Markwith, Kate Masters, Joy Moore, Ann Morris, Grey Ivor Morris, Richard Morris, Ingrid Nichter, Sandra Nystrom, Julie O’Connor, Nancy O’Hara, Suzanne Parker, Tad Richards, Yvonne Rojas-Cowan, Jacquie Roland, Barbara Adrienne Rosen, Roberta Sickler, Karl Schmitz, Mark Smith , Amy Stienbarger, Margaret Still, Heather Stoltz, Jerry Teters, David Thelen, Shelley Tran, Barbara Valentino, Daniel Venture, and jd weiss.
The November window installation will feature a collection of small decorative and functional houses created of ceramics and mixed media by artists Loel Barr, Arzi McKeown and Ann Morris.

Reclaimed includes work by Tracey Donnelly Franklin who uses materials found on the ground at military facilities in her sculpture PTSD as a Prehistoric Bird. “Using war material to make fragile, natural objects,” she explains, “is a commentary on war, training of war, defensive posturing, and the impact war has on living things.”
Artist Linda Berman creates a sculptural circus from an old radio, bed posts and other found objects in her sculpture Fun House. The 4’ jester’s body holds a house of horrors with doll parts hanging from the top and a spinning saw above a damsel in distress. Repurposed paper is used by a handful of artists including Istar Schwager who creates delicate scenes with cut envelopes and Meghan Murphy Pagano who reuses product boxes in her collage. “This series is a consideration for the life cycle of trees and natural elements,” explains the artist. “Trees being cut down and transformed into cardboard boxes that can once again be cut apart and transformed back into collaged replicas of tree filled natural scenes.”
This month’s window features the sculpture Bang Bang — a 6’ handgun made from repurposed stuffed animals by artist Suprina. “Even thou thousands of people die from gun violence every year it is still one of our top forms of entertainment in video games,” says the artist. “Where is the disconnect?” Visitors will be able to take selfies with the sculpture during Saugerties First Friday.
Additional artists include Jose Antonio Arvelo, Joan Barker, Edward Berkise, Loel Barr, Kristy Bishop, Amy Brooks & Lynn Macarin-Mara, Elizabeth Caputo, Shelley Davis, Tobias Fifield, Denise Giardullo, Andrea Giarraputo, Mary Ann Glass, Robert Greco, Kathleen Heron, Roxie Johnson, Paula Kelly, Robert Lach, Tali Margolin, Janice Mauro, Brian McCormack, Ann Morris, Susan Philips, Joan Reinmuth, Deborah Sanchez, Joan Sonnenfeld, Ken Tannenbaum, Daniel Venture, Claudia Waruch, Joanne Pagano Weber, and jd weiss. Reclaimed is curated by Emerge Gallery director Robert Langdon.
Reclaimed is presented as part of ShoutOut Saugerties Festival. Various events will be taking place in the village and at the gallery during the festival including A Collage Demonstration with Loel Barr and Ann Morris; A Conversation on the Art of the Region with Walter F Petrucci & Bruce Weber; Exploring the Collage Essay, with Nancy Kline; A Discussion on Artists, Commitment and Community; and a reading for a Found/Collage Poem public exercise that will take place during the month. Please visit https://www.shoutoutsaugerties.org for more details and a full schedule of events.

Emerge Gallery is pleased to present Abstrakt: A Group Exhibition of Abstract Art from July 6-28, 2019. The exhibition includes work by forty four artists that create a wide range of abstract work using various mediums— acrylic, drawings, encaustic, fiber, mixed media, monoprints, oil, pastel, photography, and sculpture. A public opening reception is scheduled for Saturday, July 6, 2019, from 5-8 PM. All are welcome. There will also be a preview during Saugerties First Friday on July 5 and a closing reception on Sunday, July 28 from 2-5 PM. Artwork in the exhibition will be available to view and purchase online at www.emergegalleryny.com.
Abstrakt includes work by Theodosea Tamborlane whose colorful canvas calls to mind childhood toys and games, whereas Duchess County artist Karl Schmitz’s canvas explores the balance between order and chaos through his use of color. Hudson painter Jane Ehrlich’s gestural abstracts loosely reference aerial landscapes by combining white straight, zig zag, and curvilinear lines interacting with the background color; and New Paltz artist Jerry Teters whose work also calls to mind landscape. “My intention is to evoke a sense of place,” explains Teters, “a mood, or an object that connects with viewers and triggers them to explore their own experiences and sensibilities.”
Additional artists include Florence Ancillotti, Loel Barr, Ed Berkise, Angelina Collins, Arabella Colton, Theresa Land Daniel, Shelley Davis, Nancy deFlon, Joan Ffolliott, Carol Flaitz, John Folchi, Lynne Friedman, Andrea Geller, Denise Giardullo, Russell Gordon, Tom Hackett, Martha Hill, Anne Marie Hoffstatter, Annette Jaret, Roxie Johnson, Hilary Lander, Dorothea Marcus, Joanne Martignoni, Tricia Miho, Wilma Miller, Puneeta Mittal, Shelley Tran McClure, Ann Morris, Rich Morris, Nancy O’Hara, Susan Phillips, Deborah Ramsden, Susanna Ronner, Debra Sanchez, Linda Schultz, Roberta Sickler, Richard Spisto, Carl Voegtling, jd weiss, and Fay Wood. Abstrakt is curated by Emerge Gallery director Robert Langdon.
Emerge Gallery will also be hosting a pop-up with Saugerties artist Robert Troxell on Saturday afternoon, July 13 as part of Destination Saugerties’ Jazz Saturday. Robert will be displaying and selling his decorative and functional ceramics and pottery and will also be offering demonstrations throughout the day.
Emerge Gallery & Art Space focuses on emerging artists from the Hudson Valley, NY, region and beyond by hosting monthly group art exhibitions, and other events. It is a very open and welcoming environment that is a wonderful setting for private parties and gatherings and is available for rental. The space is also available to rent for solo and privately curated exhibitions.

Peter Bradley: New Work
June 1-30, 2019

Art & Words: Artwork and Poetry Inspiring One Another
April 6-28, 2019
Emerge Gallery is pleased to highlight the power of words and their connection to visual arts through the exhibition Art & Words. An opening reception is scheduled for Saturday, April 6, 2019, from 5-8 PM. A closing reception and poetry reading is planned for Sunday, April 28, 2019, from 2-5 PM.
For as far back as the times of Plato, writers have been inspired by art to create poetry true to the form of the original work, yet adding their unique poetic perspective. Art & Words is taking the model one step further by not just engaging existing artwork to inspire poetry, but by also using existing poetry to inspire artwork.
Art & Words consists of an exhibition of art and poetry— side-by-side — that includes artists and poets inspiring one another. Existing poetry was collected by20 invited poets and artwork was curated from 27 artists throughout the Hudson Valley and New York Metropolitan area. Those artists and poets were given the opportunity to select poems or pieces of art that spoke to them from the submitted work and to create a new piece of art—be it a visual art piece or poem—based on the original inspiration. The challenge will be in determining which came first, the poem or the artwork.
Participating artists are Loel Barr, Diane Christi, Al Desetta, Josh Dorman, Andrea Geller, Elizabeth Gordon, Martha Hill, Leah Brown Klein, David Kulik, Cheryl Lickona, Linda Lynton, Marjorie Magid, Ellen Martin, Ann Morris, Elaine Ralston, Joanne Pagano Weber, and jd weiss. Participating poets are Michelle DeCicco, Monica T. Fiorentini, Sari Grandstaff, Gwynneth Green, Barbara Hall, Pina Russell, Allen Shadow, Anique Taylor, and Bruce Weber. Debra Friedkin, Josepha Gutelius, Theresa Landi Daniel, Robert P. Langdon, Kathleen MacKenzie, Ellen McKay, Will Nixon, Prudence See, Elizabeth Shafer, and Ana C.H. Silva are participating as both artists and poets.
This month, the gallery window will feature the bronze sculpture Book Man by Maria DeFranco. Book Man’s brain is replaced with an open book and acts as a reminder that, in the digital age, books are tangible vessels of knowledge and truth.
Art & Words is part of the celebration of National Poetry Month in the Village of Saugerties sponsored by Shout Out Saugerties and consisted of various poetry events and related activities throughout the month of April. Additional information may be found on the Shout Out Saugerties Facebook page. Artwork from Art & Words will be available to view and purchase through the Emerge Gallery shop at www.emergegalleryny.com.

Exit 20: An Exhibition of Work By Saugerties Artists
February 2-25, 2019

Emerge Gallery is pleased to present Exit 20: An Exhibition of Work By Saugerties Artists from February 2-26, 2019. The exhibition includes art of various styles and mediums — acrylic, collage, drawings, mixed media, monoprints, oil, pastel, photography, and watercolor. A public opening reception is scheduled for Saturday, February 2, 2019, from 5-8 PM and a closing reception on Sunday, February 24, 2019, from 2-4 PM. All are welcome. Artwork in the exhibition will be available to view and purchase online at www.emergegalleryny.com.
Saugerties is quickly becoming an art haven with an abundance of talented artists tucked throughout the town all creating unique and intriguing work. Emerge Gallery is pleased to have the opportunity to showcase just a small fraction of the talented work from both life-long Saugerties artists and those new to the community.
Over twenty artists living and working in Saugerties are participating in this exhibition including Loel Barr, Jennifer Lewis Bennett, Nancy Campbell, Rosa Lee Charpentier, Shelley Davis, Nancy deFlon, Josepha Gutelius, Jeffrey Helmuth, Anne Marie Hoffstatter, Katie Hoffstatter, Debra Joyce, Barbara Tepper Levy, Yvette Lewis, Marjorie Magid, Ann Morris, Andrea Walcutt Perez, Tina Piccolo, Tad Richards, Prudence See, Elizabeth Shafer, Margaret G. Still, Hank Vanderbeck and Leonardo Vatkin. Exit 20 is curated by gallery director Robert Langdon.
Emerge Gallery is also very pleased to be exhibiting the community sculpture Flotsam & Jetsam, created as part Shout Out Saugerties — a town-wide celebration of the arts. The sculpture — inspired by the nearly extinct Hudson River sturgeon — was crafted with donated plastic bottles, corks, netting and other recycled materials collected by community members. The sculpture was created over a period of three weekends in October by Michele Aisenstadt, Margarita Asian, Edith Bolt, Christy Rupp, Rae Stang, Joanne Weber and the Saugerties community. The community may continue to contribute to the creation by visiting Emerge Gallery throughout February, writing well wishes to planet Earth and adding it to the stomach of the fantastic creature.
Emerge Gallery is offering two art workshops during February: Iphoneography: Using Phone Apps to Transform Your Images on February 6, 2019, from 6-8 PM; and Experiments In Spontaneity: An Abstract Painting Workshop with Ellen McKay to be held on four consecutive Tuesdays from 11AM-2PM beginning February 19, 2019. Pre-registration is required for both classes. For more information and to register, please visit www.emergegalleryny.com.
Bianco: An Exhibition Celebrating White
January 5-28, 2019

Emerge Gallery is pleased to present Bianco: An Exhibition of Art Celebrating White from January 5-28, 2019. An opening reception is scheduled for Saturday, January 5, 2019, from 5-8 PM. Artwork in the exhibition will be available to view and purchase on-line at www.emergegalleryny.com.
White is composed of an equal combination of all of the colors in the spectrum and is typically associated with innocence and purity, a new beginning, goodness, spirituality, softness and protection. The color has been used culturally over the years to usher in a new marriage or, in some cultures, to say goodbye to a loved one who is leaving this life and starting out on a new journey. White promotes clarity and peace—exactly what is needed to usher in the new year.
Over forty pieces of art representing thirty-seven artists from the Hudson Valley and New York Metropolitan area are included in this exhibition. The works vary in style and mediums that include charcoal, digital, ink, lino-cuts, mixed media, monotypes, pastel, photography, and sculpture. The common thread that connects each work is the pure white of the work or that it contains a white element where the viewers’ eye is immediately drawn.
Participating artists include Joan Barker, Loel Barr, Ed Berkise, Danielle Bersch, Diane Christi, Maxine Davidowitz, Shelley Davis, Nancy deFlon, ES DeSanna, Al Desetta, Nina Doyle, Mira Fink, John Folchi, Mary Ann Glass, Robert Greco, Hannah Hersko, Patricia Kelly, Linda Lynton Annie-hannah E. Mancini, Ellen Martin, Meredith Morabito, Ann Morris, Susan Murphy, Julie O’Connor, Nancy O’Hara, Amy Puccio, Elaine Ralston, Chris Revelle, Tad Richards, Arlene Santana, Roberta Sickler, Cecelia Sinclair, Richard P. Spisto, Ken Tannenbaum, Leonardo Vatkin, John Verner, Claudia Waruch, jd weiss, and Mimi Young. Bianco is curated by Emerge Gallery director Robert Langdon.
Present Kimono, by artist Claudia Waruch, will be featured in the gallery window throughout January. This life size lino-cut/embossed work of paper perfectly represents the theme of the exhibition. Emerge Gallery carries a wide selection of original art, reproduction prints, ceramics and pottery and other items by local artists that make a unique gift for someone special or a treat for yourself.